Disclaimer: This article is totally based on my personal beliefs and experiences and has no scientific basis.
As an academician in Physiology for more than 25 years and a keen seeker for many years, I would like to share my views on a subject as vast as cancer. There are many specialists of medicine and surgeons dealing with cancer. Here I would like to present a very simplistic view about the genesis of cancer and the cellular basis of it.
Cellular physiology and internal environment
In physiology the concept of homeostasis is very well known. The cells of our body are surrounded by extra-cellular fluid which is known as the internal environment of the body. It was named “milleu interior” by French physiologist Claude Bernard. This environment has to be maintained at a certain temperature, pH, pressure, osmolality, ionic concentration, partial pressure of Oxygen and nutrients.
Any change in this internal environment can damage the cells and lead to a disease condition. All the systems of our body work towards maintaining a safe and good internal environment for our cells to flourish and function optimally. When our cells consume the nutrition from the extra-cellular fluid and function well, the metabolism of the cells happens well and they excrete their waste products into the extra-cellular fluids and they are carried away by the blood flow. This also helps to maintain the extra-cellular fluid in good condition so that the internal environment of our body remains favorable for each and every cell and organ for appropriate function.
Genesis of cancer
Whenever this internal environment gets disturbed by any condition, it can result in disease. Sometimes, a change occurs in a few cells of an organ and these cells start behaving aberrantly. They start consuming more nutrition and oxygen and grow larger and excrete more wastes and release more toxic substances into the extra-cellular fluids. Such cells can be cancer producing cells. Such cells are called neoplastic cells.
They behave differently from other cells, end up polluting the internal environment of the body and consume abnormal amounts of nutrients and oxygen. They also produce extra toxins and release them into the extra-cellular fluids. Such cells are very rapidly growing cells and they start to deprive other cells of nutrition and oxygen and end up damaging all the surrounding cells. Slowly these cells start growing and add more such neoplastic cells and become tumors in certain organs and tissues. When these cells start spreading through the blood stream, they spread all over the body and start developing to the next stages of cancer and damage and harm the body.
The body as the cosmos
In a way we can compare these cancer cells to self-centered and dominating human beings. Our bodies are like the cosmos. Our cells are like the different human beings who make up this world. If some human beings start behaving selfishly and consume more than what they require, they end up creating an imbalance in the world. The good, kind, sensitive, compassionate human beings cannot face these imbalances and get overwhelmed and overpowered.
They undergo depression and that changes the internal environment of their bodies. Whatever is happening outside them gets reflected in their bodies and cells undergo changes to produce cancer. In order to cope with their hostile environment, such people can also get into addictions and self-destructive behavior patterns. The body responds to changes in the mind and develops disease.
Spirituality is the answer
So what is the answer to such problems and situations? One cannot avoid selfish and angry people. They are not even at fault most of the time, because such behavior is the result of disturbed childhood and abusive relationships in their growing years.
The only answer to all problems is to seek Divine intervention. As one gets deeper into spiritual practice, all these problems are overcome easily and effortlessly. The reality of this world becomes clear as one seeks answers spiritually. This world is just an illusion and everything is under Divine Will. We are all just playing our roles given by the Divine director of this movie called life. If we see this reality, we can understand the behavior of selfish people and develop compassion and understanding towards them.
Love is all there is
When we forgive those who hurt us, we come out of all this imbalance and our bodies heal miraculously. When we seek the Divine, we get all the love we need and we heal and develop compassion towards all creatures alike. The love in our hearts changes our internal environment and we have the courage to fight all diseases and transform ourselves forever.
Cancer is the challenge which opens our eyes to go inwards and see the Divine, who is not somewhere far away but inside our own hearts and souls. A positive attitude and love changes everything and helps us awaken to the reality of life. It gives us the courage to go on and conquer our fears and come out of our resentment and hurt. So let us thank our troubles and learn from them. Life is a beautiful journey full of surprises and gifts if only we can see everything in the right perspective. Love and blessings to all.
Dr Anuradha Iyer
Prof and HOD Physiology
SHKM, Govt Medical College
Mewat, Haryana