It's a dream somewhere between purple and yellow, between day and night, between orange and blue, between sky and ocean, between bird and boat, between rising and setting, between going and coming, between leaving and arriving.
This time right now feels dreamy to me. If someone would have told me last year that this year my husband would be home for months without going to work and my son won't go to school and we will all be cooking all the meals at home. And that I won't be meeting my friends and that I won't be stepping out for a cup of coffee. And that I will be sitting and painting everyday because that would be the only way for me to step out of my head, I would not have believed it! Dreams and Nightmares, do they have anything in common? When a dream actually comes true, that moment, what does it feel like?
This painting is also about "HOPE" that soon we all will sail through towards sunshine.
Title: "Hope"
Size: 9"x 15"
Medium: Watercolor on hotpressed fabriano 300 gsm
Shirupa Gupta
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