The highest plane in this Universe is the Divine Plane. The plane on which every thing is linear not complex. The lower planes on earth are complex so everything here is a matter of chance. In mathematics we call it as probability of happening an event. And when an event occur we call it destiny. Every lower plane want to interfere at its best make its chance to occur. So human beings experience uncertainty in happening of everything. Then What do we have in our hands as Human Beings? Can we invite the linearity of higher planes in our lives. Yes we can. We can invite the higher divine plane to interfere in our lives through Prayers. Prayer is a mechanism to invite divine consciousness of higher plane to interfere and decide the best in our lives. When the higher plane interferes and creates for us what we cannot , we call it miracle. At every moment our life is managed by this higher divine plane. Be more thankful more open to the divine plane and invite this higher plane through Prayers to take the charge of your health & well being. Become an instrument through which this divine consciousness can be received. Update our receivers through Prayers and act accordingly....
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